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Making The Switch To Python 3 👨🏻‍💻

Apr 19, 2017 at 9:53 PM

I'm finally fully on board with Python 3, and I suspect the majority of the community is too. It's been a long haul, but all of the biggest drags to Python 3 adoption have finally been swept away.

  • Most Linux distributions now ship with Python 3 support available and some are working towards using Python 3 as the default Python implementation.
  • 339 of the 360 most popular libraries now ship with Python 3 support by default.
  • Unicode adoption in general has become more important which puts one of the biggest reasons to migrate to Python 3 at the forefront.

In addition to most of the barriers to switching to Python 3 being removed, there is one rather large reason more and more developers are going to make the switch to Python 3, with the release of Django 2.0 at the end of this year, Django is dropping support for Python 2. The Django team will continue with updates to older versions of Django until 2020, but it would be extremely short sighted to implement a new Django server with Python 2 at this point. Django is responsible for roughly 20% of Python questions on Stack Overflow and is easily the largest Python web framework so this is going to have a rather large impact on the entire community.

To be honest though, the switch is rather underwhelming from a coding perspective. Once you get past the initial environment setup, the language is 99% identical and since most of the libraries are there and Django supports it, the only thing changes are trivial and suddenly unicode support is much better.

If you want to try it out, I've put together a Docker environment for running Django under Python 3 . The installation is straight-forward and you'll be surprised at how straight forward the change is.

Take a look and let me know if you see anything which needs improved.